The Right System.

Wet Pipe Fire Sprinkler System
A wet pipe fire sprinkler system is a network of pipes that connects an array of closed fire sprinklers. The pipes are filled with water and connected to a permanent water supply. Each fire sprinkler is heat sensitive and when it is heated to a particular temperature for a specific period of time, it opens and releases a spray of water designed to control and/or extinguish a fire. Because each sprinkler operated independently only the sprinkler(s) near the fire will operate.
Dry Pipe Fire Sprinkler System
A dry pipe fire sprinkler system is a network of pipes that connects an array of closed fire sprinklers. The piping is filled with air under pressure and is connected to a permanent water supply. The system is activated by a loss of air pressure in the system caused by the activation of a sprinkler and the systems fills with water. When the system is activated, the pipes fill with water and the water will spray out of any open sprinkler(s).
Pre-action Fire Sprinkler System
A pre-action fire sprinkler system is a network of pipes that connect an array of closed fire sprinklers. The piping is filled with air under pressure and is connected to a permanent water supply. The system is activated by either a loss of air pressure, or from a signal from an independent detection system or both. When the system is activated, the pipes fill with water and the water will spray out of any open sprinkler(s).
Deluge Fire Sprinkler System
A deluge fire sprinkler system is a network of empty pipes connected to a permanent water supply that connects an array of open fire sprinkler nozzles. The system is activated either manually, or by a signal from an independent detection system. When the system is activated, water will spray out of every sprinkler nozzle.

Automatic Wet Standpipe
An automatic wet standpipe is a network of pipes filled with water and connected to a permanent water supply that connects an array of fire hose outlet valves. The water supply provides enough water to fight the fire without the assistance of a fire pumper truck. Firefighters and other trained personnel can connect hand held hoses to the outlet valves where needed to fight the fire.
Manual Wet Standpipe
A manual wet standpipe is a network of pipes filled with water and connected to a permanent water supply that connects
an array of fire hose outlet valves. However, the water supply does not provide enough water to fight the fire without the assistance of a fire pumper truck. When the fire department arrives on scene they connect their fire pump truck to a hydrant and augment the water supply through the fire department inlet connection. Once the water supply is augmented, firefighters can enter the building, connect their hand-held hoses to the outlet valves where needed to fight the fire
Dry Standpipe
A dry standpipe is an empty pipe supplying an array of fire hose outlet valves without a permanent water supply designed for use by the fire department. When the fire department arrives on scene they connect their fire pump truck to a hydrant and fill the standpipe by pumping water into it through the fire department inlet connection. Once filled, firefighters can enter the building, connect their hand-held hoses to the outlet valves where needed to fight the fire.
Fire Hydrant
A fire hydrant is water supply dedicated for firefighting purposes. It is connected to a permanent underground water supply capable of suppling adequate water to supply a fire truck. Typically, the responding firefighters connect the fire hydrant to the inlet side of the pump housed in their fire truck. Then they connect additional hoses to the outlet side of the fire truck to supply hand held hoses for firefighters and augment the water supply to the any of the systems listed above. All commercial fire protection systems include fire department inlet connections for this purpose.

Fire Pump
A Fire pump is positioned in the water supply piping of a fire protection system and boosts the pressure to meet the pressure demand of the fire system. Fire pumps can be driven by electric motors or diesel engines and are activated automatically by a fire pump controller if the pressure in the system drops below an established pressure. The fire pump can also be started manually.